Sunday, November 13, 2011

I rescued three crippled turkeys last night?

I am 15 years old and I took in three crippled turkeys. I have a TON of experience with animals. The guy that I got them from was not taking care of them. They were very uncomfortable. they had this tiny space and were in so much distress They couldn't keep warm either. They had some hard dirt for flooring and a bowl of dirty water. He told me just to feed them chicken feed and I think that may be a big part of the problem. They can't stand up and one of them had a small piece of rope tight around its leg and I took it off when I was picking her up. I can see that the rope burned the poor turkeys good leg. I have them now, The biggest one in the best shape in out in the outdoor part of our chicken coop, It kind of wobbles around. Its basking in the sun to get warm, The other two are smaller and their legs are in way worse shape. One keeps its left leg up and doesn't put too much pressure on it, And the last one is smaller, It has one leg that sticks straight out to the back. I have the two smaller ones inside with me. I have them in a very large rabbit or ferret type cage and they have hay so they balance and be more comfortable. they have a heating lamp with a 60 watt bulb on one side to keep warm. I thought some of the problem could be malnutrition. What should I feed them? Thanks

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