Monday, November 7, 2011

Did I do the right thing?

I'm 17 weeks pregnant, with a little girl. I had my first sonogram on the nineteenth, and just decided to tell everyone. The reason I didn't tell anyone but my mom and fiance before now is because the doctor told me that my pregnancy was high risk, because I'm so young and have low iron and that my chance of miscarriage was high. Plus, I feel like it's my decision to tell everyone when I want to tell them. Apparently, some people don't agree with me. I didn't want to tell everyone that there's going to be a baby, and then have a miscarriage. When my doctor did the sonogram and the results of my blood test came back and he said that everything was ok from here on out and that the chance of miscarriage was greatly reduced, I was excited for everyone to know. I told my sister and my mom's side of the family, and they were all really happy and just accepted that what's done is done, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I wanted to tell Daddy's side of the family myself, but my aunt Lorine, my mom's sister who always has her nose in somebody's business, beat me to it. I was kind of upset, because I didn't feel like it was ok for her to tell them. Other than me and my sister, she has no connection with them whatsoever. My stepmom seemed to take it really well and has been really supportive and nice to me about it. And then, My Aunt Angel, my dad's adopted sister sends me a message telling me that I'm a ***** and wanting to know why I didn't tell her and whether or not I consider her family. Just generally telling me that I'm childish and need to grow up, yadda yadda. Now I'm afraid that My grandma and everyone else will be mad that I didn't tell them straight away. I'm starting to feel a little guilty about it. Do you think I was right in not telling them, because of the risk of miscarriage? Or is it ok for them to think I'm an *** for not saying anything? I honestly didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, or leave them out of things. I'm not very close with my father's family, my dad's in jail and the only person I ever see regularly on his side is my step mom. I mean, none of my Aunts or Uncles even call on my sister's and my birthday. My stepmom and Grandma invited my fiance and I over for Thanksgiving and now I'm a little apprehensive to go, because I don't want to have any confrontations or general idiocy. But I'm afraid that if I don't go, everyone will think that I don't want to see them. I just don't really know what to do at this point. And also, how am I supposed to respond to someone screaming abortion or adoption in my face? Those are things I haven't considered and don't want to. Everything just seems so hectic, and I really don't need the stress.

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