Thursday, November 10, 2011

What have you done today?

WOW! You have had a VERY productive day and its not even over yet! I got up this morning around 9 after sleeping in and laying there for an hour watching tv. Then I got up, walked the dogs, hung some laundry I put in the wash last night before bed, worked on my laundry room and my pantry (just put in a new food pantry and sort of messed up the laundry room as the "holding area", cleaned out the sunroom, ate some cake (didn't feel like BREAKFAST!), cleaned out the dining room, did another load of laundry, dried a load, took the laundry on the line in, talked to my Mom for an hour and a half while I organized cans, bottles, and packages in the pantry, fed the dogs, vacuumed the laundry room, kitchen, butlers pantry, dining room and living room. I put all the extra "organizers" in the living room (now its messy AGAIN!). Put up all the old newspapers, did some dishes, and organized my dish towels, dish cloths, and micro fiber cloths in the butlers pantry, organized the butlers pantry area and cleaned off the counter top in there. Sounds like a lot, but I have been just putzing along doing this and that, trying to get one mess cleaned up and starting another mess somewhere else. It seems never ending doesn't it? LOL! And now I am taking a break on the computer while I look up a lady's address for a dishwasher. And its 2:30 pm. Cool question! LOL! Hope this answers yours! Good luck with your new found energy and ambition to clean it up!

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