Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Girlfriend has lost her drive?

I believe that you are absolutely correct. That is the only thing that has changed. But, is she relaxed now, or still stressed out, as that may still ahve something to do with it. If not then, yes, stop this form of birth control, and try another. It is the only solution. Does she not get turned on when you go down on her?? This is very bad. Switch the pill.

Why was Obama absent from a celebration of the tearing down of the Berlin Wall?

a href="http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/berlin_wall_blunder_p8phFezf5ZBp00v0Dj5SXO" rel="nofollow"http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/edi…/a

Does anyone Know how to remove paint from a boat without damaging the gel coat?

I'm restoring and old boat that was originally finished in yellow gel coat, which seems to be intact. The boats been painted twice and when I chip away the paint, i can see the gel coat underneath it. I believe it was just painted with an enamel paint. It was stored for over 20 years without use so the hull is in very good condition. I'd like to see if the gel coat is salvageable just to add more originality to the boat. Does anyone have any suggestions on products or methods that will do this? Thanks

In what part of Hamlet can i find the soliloquy where Hamlet says "Frailty thy name is woman"?

That would be in the first act, after the death of his father when he sits brooding in his room and his mother and uncle, to whom she had become enamored, enter to find why he stays in his darkened room. When he sees his mother recently having lost her husband flirting with his uncle he remarks, "Frailty, thy name is woman," believing she should grieve longer.

Don't know what to do with myself?

You are going to school so that means you must want to accomplish something. That is good and shows ambition. Your family has always been a certain way, and you clearly acknowledge that, so you cannot reasonably expect them to change their behavior just because of how someone else feels. I have no suggestions for smalltalk. I hate smalltalk, I am terrible at it and I find it to be a waste of time. Consider using your educational opportunity to take electives just to find a hobby you enjoy. It doesn't matter if that hobby is shop cl, gym or chess club. No matter what outsiders think, there will be other people within those hobbies that you will have a connection and relevant topic to discuss. You couldn't pick your family, but you can pick your future lifestyle and how you spend your time. You need to control your own life rather than have peoples opinions control you.

Any site which is related to computer studies?

I'm in high school and i just need a site which i can use as a reference..in which i'll get the different topics in computer studies and all...I've surfed the net but i've found only sites which give courses on computer studies but i need one,which is more like an encyclopedia for computer!!!!!! help,plzzzzz....

Who was in the starting line up for the Bears vs Texans Game today?

I need to find the starting lineup for today's game...does anyone know it or know where I can find it? Also the final stats for today's game?

IPod video help...?

does anyone know how 2 transfer music video files wma files so that i can put it in my iPod video and where do i find my lyrics at because i put some on my iPod but dont kno where 2 find it...please let me kno if there is any special software i need in order 2 turn my wma files etc.. into iPod....thanx

Is the Rushing game the Tennessee Titans savior?

Chris Johnson is one of the best backs in the league. Some say he is THE best. Vince Young has a weak arm. If a team were to shut down Johnson, Young would HAVE to win the game with his arm which I don't think he can do.

What are good poles for terrain park skiing?

Just pick up some cheap ones if you don't want to spend alot, chances are you'll break one or two on a rail.

Turtle beach alternative?

Is their a headset out there with similar effects to a turtle beach headset? Ie being able to pinpoint an enemy position on call of duty easily. My price range is max of �60. (turtle beach x11 is �35)

Playing Around With My Scottish / Irish Names Again. What Do You Think?

I LOVE Mintie and Tadghan although Im sure it will be annoying to the child to have to constantly correct people on how to say his name. I also really like Seamus and Ewan. And I like Lennox a lot.

Are gray aliens evil or good?

I�ve heard a lot about them but the thing is some ppl say theyre evil (mutilating humans), some say theyre just scientists who do their thing without emotions but also without causing unnecessary suffering or pain, and others say they care about us and teach us things (like telepathy) so that we can take the next step in the evolutionary chain. what do u think (pleez abductees answer this question). Do u hav any tips on how to get abducted ?

My question is directed to a health care professional?

I am scheduled for a virtual colonoscopy tomorrow morning. I have had two unsuccessful colonoscopies due to not being fully evacuated. I was put on prednisone and ascotol for 2 months due to a very highly inflamed colon and ulcerative colitis. The Dr. told me that I have a twisted colon, and scar tissue probably due to a complete hysterectomy in 2000. I took citrate of magnesia, alot of water, before the first procedure, with, as I said not sufficient results. Second one, I asked for something other than citrate of magnesia, the Dr. prescribed 36 (if i remember correctly) pills, they did,nt work either. I now was given-three small bottles of Tagitol-started at 8:00 this morning-then drank alot of water-after that it was a bottle of citric of magnesia- and 4 little pills (the name escapes me)-I have not had a bowel movement as yet. I was also given a suppository to be inserted 2 hrs. before my 8:30 procedure. They are not in the office, as it is Sunday. I don't know what to do. I did tell the nurse about the problems that i previously had-she told me to just follow the directions, and I should,nt have any problems. I just drank 2 hot cups of clear hot broth-more water, but it's all been to no avail. I can't go through this anymore. I hear of so many people who go through colonoscopies without any problems whatsoever. I am at my wits end-I,m tired and totally disgusted, what if anything can I do? any suggestions would be very appreciated.

Should Obama allow Mexican President Calderon to address Congress about Amnesty?

Mexico is a bunch of hypocrits. They enforce their immigration policies, but expect us to not have any.

Can someone help me find the name of this movie?

I tried to find the movie for you by enterring in the data into google and I came up with Scotts Movies.com. Read through his review on movies below. Warning, it will take you days, but it could be here. Good luck.

What glamour kill size shirt should I get?

If I have am a 34in chest and 30in waist. Should I go with a medium or a large? I am usually a medium in pacsun and aero but I heard that GK clothes tend to run small..

Poll, Survey: Would you rather Battle?

Noo I don't think your a lunatic of course not LOL :) and I would have to choose f battle them all at once that would be super cool !! ;O

Hmmmmm so what are ur thoughts on this?

So you know that he already likes 2 other girls, and your wondering if you could be the possible third? Maybe, but it's also possible that he sees you as just a friend. Ya know, like Joey from Dawson's Creek. Ok, that might be a little before your time. I guess you'll have to let it play out and see what happens. Of course you could always ask him, or pretend that someone else asked you out and then see how he reacts to that.

How do you defeat sin?

you mean final fantasy 10 first part? you have to defeat that sin many times wich ship are you talking about? if you mean when gusys go out on a ship when it's flying to enter into the sin, where sin has little sity on it's head... i don't exactly remember. first of all you need very strong aeons, all of them died and only that horse survived because sin uses thunders and the horse is a thunder aeon too and the hit increeses it's life try this. if sin goes to fire tactic and uses fires you have to use ifrit. nothing you can do with gravity and gravija, if you gather enaf chocobo woings and other stuff(see in aeon learning abylyties) you can teach your aeon to curaga. also teach aeons thayr own magic i mean if you use that thunder horse, teach him thandaga and use on himself to increese its health. same to other aeons.i finished that game 2years ago and don't remember what exactly i did.last sin is veeery disgasting. in the end of a game you have to fight your own aeons and defeat tham.

Help on a essy on arguments FOR capital punishment?

Why do you think it should exist? I personally don't but one good thing about capital punishment is it might make people think twice about comitting a crime.

Help my mom needs help she's in trouble?

with me personaly when someone hits me 1 time i hit back 2 times when he says things to her she that she dont like she needs to say things back. she needs to treat him like hes a 16 year old tell her to make the best of her life and dont be afraid to say anything to him . he might be looking for that he might like it she would love it i bet

Daily Face Regimen Suggestions?

Clinique 3-Step. I love it so much, I actually look forward to washing my face. They also have an Acne Solutions version if you like. It's available at Sephora (I almost live there, I would know).

Teen bedroom ideas?? punk princess?

You can go to a craft store and buy some fury fabric in bright colors. Think hot pink and lime green. Wrap the fabric around picture frames or make your curtains out of it. Get a piece of plywood spray paint it with chalk board paint hang on your wall and get some chalk. Instant message board for you and your friends to write you messages.

Windows applications interrupting what I am doing?

I absolutely hate it when I am viewing a window (Application, Internet browser etc.) and I decide to run another application. I then go back to the original window whilst waiting for the new one to start up which might time a little bit of time. And then very annoyingly, I am viewing my window when I am rudely interrupted by the new application which just 'take over the screen'. I know i have started that new application, but I will go to it when i am ready. How do I turn this off, that when a new application is started, it doesn't interrupt what i am currently doing? Please tell. Much Appreciated

Where can i find answers from cisco cl?

are you looking for answers to the Cisco test? Look into actually reading through the study guides for the tests from sybex or testking.

Vasectomy and Tubes double standard?

Why is it that a man can have a vasectomy any time he chooses after turning 18, but a woman can not get her tubes tied unless she is 25 or has 2 children?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Numb & tingling back - get 3rd opinion or do nothing?

Went to Dr. after 2 days of numbness & tingling in back radiating up to my neck and jaw on the right side (no pain, just weird tingly/numb sensations.) I thought maybe a pinched or compressed nerve, but was diagnosed with shingles. Two weeks later symptoms persist and still had not a single pimple, blister, red mark or anything so I went for a 2nd opinion. Had thoracic spine x-rays & lab work done (typical blood work plus testing for inflammation) and today I'm told all came back negative - no problems. The numbness and tingling is getting more persistent and seems to be worse when I'm sitting or laying down. I do physical labor for a living and don't want to make it worse. Do I have the .01 percent of shingles cases that never develop any kind of rash? If so, how long will this weird sensation last? Would an x-ray miss something like a m or tumor pressing on a nerve? How long should I wait to see if this goes away?

Something is really really wrong. I need your help?

It is most certainly not bad luck; it is your own state of mind. These happenings are completely normal and not at all supernatural. Your mind, sometimes, can emphasize the more negative aspects of life until it protrudes further than anything else; when this happens, use your imagination and deliberately search for positive, good things. There is someone in your parkin, but there is a free parkin elsewhere, and maybe if you HAD parked there you would have got hit by a truck. The light may be red, but it will turn green very soon, and perhaps it protected you from an untimely fate. You don't get required doents in the mail, but maybe these required doents had very important information and it might have been looked at and read by someone else who WOULD have gotten all this info but didn't, because the doents weren't sent. Try to emphasize the good parts of life! Try your best! You control ENTIRELY what you think and how you feel.

New Zealand- Fewer Insects?

I heard a long time ago from a New Zealand person who lived in Canada for a few years, that she could not wait to go back because there were fewer insects in New Zealand. Is it the way it's positioned near the equator, that it has a unique ecosystem? I know it might sound like a stupid question, but I would like to know. If it's true, I want to live in New Zealand!

Can I put clincher tires on tubular rims? Are all tubular rims unable to accept clinchers?

I have two older bikes, one is a Bo from the eighties that has Mavic rims with tubulars and the other is a Motobecane from the seventies with alloy rims. They both are 700C rims. They both seem to have high sides but I haven't taken either apart, but I have to as the tires on both are aged and need replacing. I'd like to use clinchers for the ease and economy. Are there parameters to make this call or is this change completely out of the question without changing the rims totally?

Ok I dont know much about the Middle Ages so can you please help me?

(short answer to the first question) The lords benefited because they had people to work for them. The peasants were granted the lords protection in return for their labor.

Do I have a valid reason to feel used in this friendship?

You have done the right thing by telling her how you feel. Maybe she is just trying to fit in and find herself but these things might straighten out now the you have finished high school. If she continues to make your feelings towards the friendship seem wrong and she never sees or bothers to help the maybe its time for you to move on. Either that or she just doesn't understand and she cant help it. Are you doing anything that could offend her. Maybe you just need a small break from eachother but if you friendship is strong enough she will realise what going

I have weird dreams ;; Someone explain what they mean please?

My boyfriend and I've been talking about this girl named Liz. (( not saying why )) I was with my friend Ethan he was older with a black cloak on and his hood was up, he looked like he had long hair. I tried to take off the hood but he shook his head meaning No and it was because he woudln't let me see his hair. we were in this small store the store looked beat up, old and just so awful. Everything was dark depressing and sad. there was a girl and a boy. The girl said something that I couldnt hear.. But for some reason I was infuriated so I walked up to her in a fast pace, punched her and started beating her up. she ended up on the floor, got up and was holding her head. her face looked like she was shocked from what happened. i tried to punch her again but it was like something was holding me back, i got so mad i started to knock things down and then walk out. after that i went to a house talked to this lady and I cried saying sorry.. Can anyone tell me why I'm holding back? Thanks.

My adult son lost his driver's license in Florida due to not paying his child support.?

until he pays his child SUPPORT he will never get it back, and as far as what you think about the girl is irrelevant, it is your grandchild and his child he should care about not how he can beat the system,

I take pride in NOT having an ?

It is highly unusual but if it works for you and doesn't bother your partner then it isn't worth worrying about. Having said that, you may want to consider speaking to a ual psychologist about why you feel guilty or ashamed about female s.

19C outside, and it's 32C inside! how much would a 15k BTU aircon cost to run?

I've of the opinion that device is not what we in the states call an air conditioner. An air conditioner absorbs heat and then discharges it outside. This device doesn't discharge anything outside and if you look at the warranty, it uses the language " Year Breakdown Cover - Dehumidifier". I believe it is just a dehumidifier and it will do nothing to cool your room, though it will lower the humidity which will make it more comfortable.

Can u file taxes jointly if ur not married?

No, you can only file a joint return if you are married. If you are common law married, that's a valid marriage and you can file jointly. But common law marriage doesn't exist any more in most states. And where it does, it has specific rules, and is more than just having lived together for a certain period of time.

How would you go about starting up as a van courier?

Van leasing is cost effective if you can get the credit rating for that..Make sure your insurance covers making deliveries.

What can I say to my friend in this situation?

If you told her and she didn't listen, i don't think there is much you can do. Unfortunately she is in denial and doesn't want to see that he is a total loser and player. She is going to have to learn the hard way =\

When a corpse decomposes, much of the phosphorus in the body is converted to phosphine, PH3, a colorless gas w

You're going to need to provide dH data so people can help you further. This is what happens when you just ask people to do your homework for you.

IPod Help!! Please HELP!!?

I read on a different thread that the song "Low" By Flo-Rida doesnt work on iPods. I also read that you have to right click and a thing called "Convert To ACC" Or something would pop up. I only get "Convert ID3 Tags" Is there anything else I can do? I have tried a whole bunch of other "Low" song but they all dont work. Also, it is not a WMA File!! Help!

What are your 2010 NFL playoff predictions?

man, you are all mixed up, need to see the new and the old, yeah, dolphins will take the big old ball and go home and swim in the pond!!!--right big tuna!!!!!

Star wars fans - darth vader's lightsaber is red...or pink?

It is red, what happens is that in 2004, Lucas ordered the original trilogy to be digitally restored, in order to be released in dvd, a lot of things were cleaned and fixed, but somehow, the technicians didn�t noticed the restoration turned the lightsaber pink. that pink color is a mistake.

Isn't communism the natural evolution of humanity?

Capitalism relies on exploitation. Who wants to live in a society where your labour is treated as a commodity? Who wants to live in society where profits are the most important things? Communism will not fail if it is organized with efficiency, ie democratic positions, an economic planning commitee where greatest demand will increase production in essential services. All people (unless proven otherwise) will be treated equally and have equal access to all services. There will be no cles. Isn't this a more humane system? Are people just living for MORE money....in today's society?

Children's series of horse books?

I'm trying to remember a series of books I liked as a kid. I think it was a series for young-to-middle-grade readers, one of those ones with a bunch of thin paperbacks, but that might just be me. It was about people at a stable, and I only really remember one book/part of the book. They went to some sort of horse fair [I think it was the heroine and her mother, who may have had a hand in running the stable?] and the heroine ran across a neglected mare who she later found out [I think possibly by listening to a conversation while hiding behind a van at night - random oddly specific memory that may or may not be true] that the mare was going to be sold to be made into...I think dog food, although my first instinct was glue. >.< Anyway, horrific crap for a horse-mad girl. So she convinces her mom [I think she was at the fair to find a horse to buy] to buy that horse for her. I also remember when they cleaned up the horse [I think a friend of the heroine was involved, as well as the mom?] she cleaned up pretty well, and when they were brainstorming names the mom came out with "Well my mom bought this old tapestry that was really dirty but when she cleaned it up it was really nice" and so they named the poor horse Tapestry. That's all I can remember, hoping someone can figure this out because it's bothering me. O.o

Single friend asks my boyfriend for sperm/shared parenting?

My boyfriend and I were recently approached by his 43 year old single friend asking if he would be willing to donate his sperm and be a co-parent. She is saying the extent of parenting is up to us, but does want us involved. I am aware of the legalities, but wondering emotionally what people may have gone through and also input. Thanks so much!

Settlement negotiations for personal injury at last minute.?

The statute of limitations runs out on July 5,2008 for my personal injury case in Tennessee, and we have not yet gotten a first offer from the claims adjuster. The last time my lawyer got a hold of him he said that he was waiting on a medical report that he requested because he thought my bills was to high and he wanted another doctor to look over it or something, but he said he was getting the report back last week and we still haven't heard anything. My question is, Is this a normal, do insurance companies wait till the last minute to settle or do you think they are wanting to go to trial?Also this is a third party insurance company and the guy that hit me was 100% at fault..Thanks for any info

Hair gr and mondo gr?

Hair gr is, mondo gr isn't. Unless there's another plant called "mondo gr" besides the one I'm thinking of. The Petco and Petsmart in my area have both started selling non-aquatic plants for aquariums. The only reason I can think of is that people would have to buy new ones every few weeks, thus spending more money. Be careful what you buy.

Malware, dns changer, QNB2EB90WX, avg.exe, RZDVL2F27W?

okay so i downloaded a key-gen for adobe because i cant afford there prices, well it was for the master collection since i already had a key-gen for photoshop,(the photoshop one was legit but i knew there was something fishy about the master collection keygen) well i download it and mcafee tells me i have a dns changer and that it stopped it, well i researched it because i kept getting redirected in my browser. i deleted my temp folder immediately on instinct, well i looked in my registry and under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/ SOFTWARE / MICROSOFT / WINDOWS / RUN the avg.exe was in there, so i went ahead and deleted that. will that mess up anything i thought to myself, but owell its done, But will it mess anything up i am asking??. i also have under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/ SOFTWARE / the QNB2EB90WX and the RZDVL2F27W, is it okay to delete those too?

Best computer programing certificate to get?

I would say that getting a certificate as a software developer would be most beneficial. A+ isn't a bad certification but its not needed as much as it was. Being a software developer offer's great money because at the moment its a demanding field. Many companies need a software developer. And if you have a degree or certificate then you are deemed valubale. I do know that this field pays a good salary. I've seen where they offer anywhere between $40,000 - $80,000. I believe the reason they offer so much is because its valuable and it requires effort.

Find private spice dealer?

I have a good dependable dealer and i get a oz for 70 bucks wat im looking for is another dealer with good product because im ready to switch it up a bit.

Which Plot Line is Better? And am I in the Right Category?

I would choose the third one because that's the one that I would be most likely to read. Yes, you're in the right category.

Should i fight for our relationship or let go if it kills me?

Clearly you are both extremely immature. You are into the drama of the whole thing and not trying to fix the ridiculous pattern this relationship has of becoming constantly unhinged. Men look at other women. If you think you are going to prevent that, you are a fool. If he does not look at other women there is something wrong with him. I am sorry you were cheated on, but that happens to most people. Fix what it is within yourself that is causing you to take your issues out on him. As for him, he is BOUND to get sick of the fighting and drama. If he DIDN'T consider whether this relationship was wrong for him he would have to be stupid. Nobody can carry on in a toxic relationship forever and stay in it despite constant arguments and breakups. It seems to me you are looking for a guy that will only ever look at you and never, ever leave you no matter how miserable you make his life. THAT IS NOT REALITY. If you both want to be in a grown up relationship, it is time to start independently taking care of your own issues and then acting like adults in your partnership.

Do you know married couples that met each other on the personals websites?

My better half and I met on Yahoo Personals 5 yrs ago. Lots of honest talking of what we wanted in the future. It all meshed, we married 3 yrs ago. Give it a try if you're looking. Good luck..

I'm having trouble with my homework, could you help? Thank you so much for those of you who help me!?

Do you think Americans were justified in their fear of radicals and foreigners in the decade following WWI? Explane you answer.

How many other right-wing, libertarian atheists are out there?

I just had some say I can't be an atheist and suppport republican points of view. Especially the "feeble-minded religious" ones. I agree, but censorship elitism I hate worse than a street-screacher preacher.

Masturbation problems. (female only please)?

when i masturbate, nothing feels good. i'm so tight it sometimes hurts. i get wet and i've tried lube but it sometimes still hurts me to even try. vibrators, fingers and stimulation don't work. the closest i've got to pleasure was when my boyfriend performed on me. what can i do???? please don't be brutal on answers.

Why does my Hamster licks my hand?

I have a hamster named Doodle... it is a name which first came to my mind when i first got him...he is an active one and we had many fun times...i sometimes let it bite my finger on purpose and he does not really bite...Doodle only so call nibble it and it does not hurt abit....but over the last few months,he stopped biting and instead,he started licking it! Why is Doodle doin it? Im just curious...everytime i greet him by puting my finger in front of him to let him bite,he licks it now adays...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is the Scion xa and Toyota the exact same car?

I know they are the same car company, but I have never seen them next to each other. If they are the same as I think they are what are the differences, such as price, engine options, interior options, and so on. I saw that the matrix has a five bolt wheel pattern, and I know the xa has 4x100.

Inspired by Browning so I took a leap, C/C if you like.?

Last two lines are perfect for the conclusion of this write. You just need a tiny bit of editing...'she relished..., just small things like that need a fix. Otherwise a great effort & an enjoyable read. I like the deeper poems, since I don't do them well, myself.

How to make my girlfriend more interested?

So my girlfriend of several years has recently decided she wants more "freedom", which basically involves going out to bars until all hours of the night. She is confused and admits it. However, I know she has not cheated at this point and loves me, but she is being more rude around the time she is going out to me, like she is trying to distance herself. The rest of the time she is great. My question is, from a psychological standpoint, how can I make her respectful/interested? The only thing that works is making myself unavailable or calling her on her bitchiness. Please good advice everyone, I don't need to break up with her yet, but if the time comes I will.


They are cute, but the question is: are you willing to spend that much on a pair of jeans that you can get from pacsun for $27 except they don't have the label. ttyl<3

Who is paying robbie keanes wages?

Whoever's paying him, he's only been brought for one reason, to try & wrestle the league away from the Gers, so it's going to be a very expensive mistake once the four months are up & he goes back to London while the title comes back to Ibrox.

Is there any other way?

Be at peace and do not fear. Do not think negative thoughts. Fill your mind with goodness and there will be no room for the lies of depression. No pills could keep your sanity. You control your own mind & thoughts. In fact, all these drugs have side effects. You're in my prayers, God bless you.

I rescued three crippled turkeys last night?

I am 15 years old and I took in three crippled turkeys. I have a TON of experience with animals. The guy that I got them from was not taking care of them. They were very uncomfortable. they had this tiny space and were in so much distress They couldn't keep warm either. They had some hard dirt for flooring and a bowl of dirty water. He told me just to feed them chicken feed and I think that may be a big part of the problem. They can't stand up and one of them had a small piece of rope tight around its leg and I took it off when I was picking her up. I can see that the rope burned the poor turkeys good leg. I have them now, The biggest one in the best shape in out in the outdoor part of our chicken coop, It kind of wobbles around. Its basking in the sun to get warm, The other two are smaller and their legs are in way worse shape. One keeps its left leg up and doesn't put too much pressure on it, And the last one is smaller, It has one leg that sticks straight out to the back. I have the two smaller ones inside with me. I have them in a very large rabbit or ferret type cage and they have hay so they balance and be more comfortable. they have a heating lamp with a 60 watt bulb on one side to keep warm. I thought some of the problem could be malnutrition. What should I feed them? Thanks

What do you do when you can't play octave notes with only one hand?

try to work it in with the left hand, possibly adjusting what the left hand is playing at that moment to fit it in.

Lindsay and Dean on Gilmore Girls?

I know they split up and Dean and Rory started seeing eachother again. After seeing her "new" life, he left Richard and Emily's house and never saw him again. Does anyone know if Lindsay and Dean got back together??

Question about Lupe Fiasco?

i SERIOUSLY doubt it. im not sure though. i say no because it sounds more like a Blaxpoitation 70's movie than He Got Game.

In biogerontology when is the life expectancy be forever ?

Never, but Kurt Vonnegut wrote a short story about this in Canary in a Cat's Cradle. About how the world was so full of people that they were sleeping in hallways, because the old people refused to die. It was a good story you should check it out.

How will libs feel when health care is rationed and they have to get in line behind an illegal alien.?

Geez, they're illegal ALIENS, nothing incorrect about that term unless you're a douche bag. These idiots don't think there won't be a significant wait for care, they won't be happy when reality bites them.

What is the answers to American Studies?

Seriously, do your own homework. None of these are particularly hard. If you just went through them one by one with your textbook or google you'd be done in less than half an hour.

Ryerson Engineers, Question about Differential Equations and Vector Calculus course!?

Did anyone take MTH 312?!? Which TEXTBOOK did u guys use for it and can you also let me know if the book is available online to download? Let me know ASAP! I'm taking it in summer school and i wanna get a head start! Thanks!

Depressed? My Dad Won't Speak To Me...?

Ok, i lied to him... i promised i wouldnt talk to this boy that i was so in love with... but i did. but i wont do it anymore. i wont. i know it. im for sure. but now he has to regain his trust in me that he lost countless times for the same stupid reason. i know i messed up... but how could i make him talk to me again? he ignores me and it kinda hurts... hes hurt... i know... and im sorry for lying to him... and i know i deserve it...i missed our schools annual 'family night' where the 8th graders and they're parents celebrate a night together, and the daughter-father dance. i might miss my 8th grade prom... and my busch gardens end of the year trip... i also missed lots of get togethers and parties... im missing out on my LIFE... but how can i prove to him that i AM changing....? its hard....

Do you have to post a photo to join or use sites like Facebook or MySpace?

I want to join either or both to see whether they might be an effective way of connecting with other single people my age who have . As you might guess, I don't want to post a photo for public viewing with a profile that broadcasts the fact that I have . I have already joined three of the largest personals sites for people with , and those sites are OK. I just want to know if Facebook and MySpace are worth the effort of joining and of all of the media attention they get.

Pregnancy after five years?

I got married last august,i am 26 and from the caribbean and my husband is 48 from colorado. I have a son who is five but my husband had none from his previous marriage(too busy with careers). I have had relationships before my hubby but i never gotten pregnant after my son. I used yasmin contraceptive on and off in the past because of irregular periods but now i get my period every month. I love this man and i cant wait to see our gorgeous children.Thank You for your advise.

I have a bf but my friends hate him what do i do?

I have a bf and my friends hate him but he hates my freinds. and i dont like him cuz he is hot i like him cuz well i just do and i cant help it! every time i hang with him my friends freak hate me i cry my bf makes me feel better me and my freinds get bak 2 gather i have 2 split with hiim then im soo sad and cryin and livin in horror!!! and then we get back 2gether and it all starts again i cant stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alos i dont even like my freinds but if im not there freinds they start rumors and hate me!!! I REALLY NEED HELP HERE PZZZZ HELP ME i have been crying all week

95 GMC Vandura Random No Start Condtion?

I has an astro van do this one time. very intermittent stall, no start. After driving it around for hours with the engine cover off, it finally stalled sitting at a red light, wouldn't you know it. Had no spark. by the time I get back to the shop, it started right up. I replaced the ignition coil and never saw it again. I know that on these older gm V8's that the distributor can cause lots of different driveability issues. many times it requires replacement of the distributor due to worn shaft or cracked magnet on the pole piece or the shaft losing it's magnetic properties. you can get a complete replacement distributor from the aftermarket parts stores. I would first clean and tighten the grounds on the thermostat housing and the rear of the cylinder head. then I would try a coil, and last replacing the distributor, possibly with a known good unit first.

What would you consider your hometown? The place you were born or the place you grew up?

What would you consider your hometown? The place you were born or the place you grew up? I lived in Beech Grove, Indiana until I was two. But I consider somewhere else my home. What about you people who moved all around? What do you consider your hometown?

How do i become a FLW OR ANY OTHER pro fisherman?

im not talking about b master like flw outdoors ive been watchinging it and im seeing how much money the get and i have all ways loved fishing im 14 and ive been fishing since to can someone tell me what i have to do and what its like if your are or have been a pro fisherman AND HOW old i have to be to start like if theres a youth league

Does karma depend on individual goodness or relative goodness?

What I mean is I know lots of good people who have had really bad things happen to them; while on the other hand I kow some bad people who just live almost free of pain. Can it be that the people I know are relatively good compared to the world at present, but not good as in an absolute requirement or qualification of goodeness that exists. And the bad people are just bad relative to the world we live in and not absolutely bad according to the same reason as goodness.

Teens: I need a car. Suggestions?

i think that you should save some of the money, but buy a good reliable car, like a honda civic hybrid, toyota prius, or a toyota highlander hybrid, but being young, you don't really need a SUV.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Who miss WWE Cryme Time?

I agree with you. Cryme Tyme is much better then Cade & Murdoch and WWE should've never released them.

Will the real God please stand up?

Lots of people believe in God and that's great. But more people believe in other higher powers like Budha. Who is to say that one is real and the other is a false God. With no tangible proof that either exists, why do so many people swear that God is real. Is Budha real? Do you God worshippers believe that all those that worship Budha or some other God are all wrong and will go to hell? Just curious..

Should i go to see my doctor for knee pain after a nasty fall?

About a week ago i went sledding and snowboarding and fell in the hard icy snow and hurt my leg/Knee. It still hurts me and i try to walk or if i bend down and try to get back up. and i sometimes have trouble getting comfertable in bed to sleep.there isn't realy and bruising that i see or swelling ive had a problem with the same knee before when i was 14 i fell on the hard floor in the gym at school whiel playing volleyball. should i go to see my doctor and see if i need an xray?

I'm having trouble with my high E string on my guitar.?

It's hard to explain, but there's something wrong with my guitar. When I tune it, on the high E string, the notes aren't what they should be. It's mainly any note after the 12th fret, but it happens on any fret. If you played the 13th fret on the string, it sounds the same as the 12th should do, then the 14th fret makes the note the 13th should make, then the 15th fret makes the notes the 14th should make etc. Also, I can't play any harmonics on the string. However, I can't play a harmonic (natural harmonic) on the 12th fret, but I can on the 13th fret. I've tried re-doing the string but it did nothing. Any suggestions, I'm really stuck (if it helps, my guitar is an Epiphone Dot). Thanks in advance.

Who will win the NFC south title this year?

With the Saints playing horribly, Atlanta's loss of Vick, Tampa's loss of multiple running backs, and Carolina's loss of their QB's, the NFC south is in shambles. One of these beat-up teams is going to go to the playoffs. Who is it, and why?

My bamboo plant is dying-please help!!?

I have a lucky bamboo plant that I bought earlier in the summer, and it was fine. However, the past few weeks, its stalks are turning yellow, and its just the two biggest ones, not any of the smaller ones. The leaves are perfectly green and thriving. The stalk is yellow, squishy and recently is shriveling. Please help me, i don't want to lose my plant!

Suggestions on clarinet solo peices with accompaniment?

so i have to prepare for a high school solo contest...i am a freshman...and play the clarinet...the problem is i don't now what to play...u see i don't want something as difficult as Mozart Concerto but i don't want an easy peice either...so do u have any suggestions? thank you so much!!!

Freebie trading?Calistyle 101 and Freebie Society?Can I really make some money?

The more and more I read about it the more and more I become interested in it. I have an account and i am about ready to do it. I'm just a little wary about it. I am patient and I'm know I won't get rich. If I would make even 100 dollars more a month that would be great. I just need to know if people are really making money from this. scam or no scam??? Thank you!

What are some pros and cons of moving in with a male roommate?

We are NOTHING more than friends and there has never been any kind of FWB between. That does not even cross my mind when i think of him. He is 22 I am 21. In your opinion what are the pros and cons of moving in with a guy friend? THanks

What do you think???

I know this guy...and we're friends but we don't talk 24/7, and I'm starting to like him since he's really nice and not like the other jerky guys I know, but I don't know if he likes me back...we're in the same band cl and when he doesn't have to play his instument, I always see him staring at me from the corner of my eye.....also in our math cl, our desks are in rows, and yesterday I was in one of the isles, leaning on a desk and this other girl was on the other side of the isle talking to this girl across the room....and he came and was trying to squeeze between us with his face facing me and his back facing her even though there was barely any room between us...and so to try giving him room to get through I tried moving out of the way...but then he pushed me a little(not on purpose) and I fell in the chair and he fell ontop of me and said something weird, don't remember what it was....what do you think, is there a chance that he likes me back???

How can I retrive back mistakenly deleted mail from the trash?

You can only do that if they are still in the trash. Once they have been deleted from there they are gone forever. Sorry but that's the way it works.

What do i do i messed up?

If you swore not to tell....then don't tell it. *Unless it is hurting someone, and you need help.* If your mom doesn't know what you're talking about or just doesn't care, then she doesn't care. The only reason you would want to consider telling her is if you really truly wanted to tell her.

Home gym features help?

A great idea would be to hire a personal trainer for a couple or a few sessions to show you how to use the equipment and use proper form, as well as come up with a personalized training plan. Then you will be able to do it on your own from there.

Jungle carpet python or iguana?

ok this is one of the biggest things ive ever had to decide on since im an animal lover. 1 day i just decided to buy a jungle carpet python (JCP) so i come home with the snake my mom freaks but in the end i keep the snake. but as soon as i brought it home i relaized itwas a nasty mother ****** but i still tried taming it down down but winding yup with 15 bite marks and no progress in the end. but yet i never gave up. but my mom is always killin me about the snake and its geting annoying now today my mom says if u sell ur snake i will buy u any lizard u want and buy u a 60galon breeder tank with it. i always wanted an iguana but i have come so attached to my JCP that i cant bear to sell it. even though i get bit that thing daily i still for some reaso love it i need u guys to decide for me

Visual Basic Question?

I've been working on this project for over a week now and really need help on a couple things. I'm wanting to display the amount input into NumberPiecesTextBox into TotalNumberLabel. Thinking TotalNumberLabel.Text = Val(NumberPiecesTextBox.Text). Not working though. Also Have decimal values pulling from igned constants dependent on a number input into a textbox. I am wanting to display the value of the selected constant in AverageLabel as text. ex Const SCALE_A = .50 Const SCALE_B = .60. So how would I make a value of one of those constants display in the AverageLabel.Any help much appreciated, I have a CISCO Final and can't put too much more time into this project. Thank You!

West Chester University or Penn State?

I go to West Chester university in pennsylvania right now as a freshmen and I'm not sure if I should stay here. It's not a bad school. However, I am not enjoying myself here. I constantly find myself sitting in my room doing nothing but studying, sleeping, or surfing the internet here. I know that I havent really gotten invloved in any extracurriculars or anything like that, but idk...i was expecting more. I originally wanted to go to Penn State but I (by accident by the way) applied to one of the smallr campuses when I originally wanted to go to the main campus up at state college. So i just thought...what the hey, I'll go to west chester. My main issue with West Chester is that i am from West Chester and even though I live on campus I go home a lot. I have almost no friends here and part of the reason i go home is cuz I dont want to be sitting in my dorm alone on the weeknds while everyone else is out partying. We have no sport teams worth mentioning and I love sports.

Truck Driving Companies that do not do hair follicle drug tests?

do not listen to noel, as far as illegal drugs in hair, this used to be a very expensive test, and for the most part, most companies are doing urine tests as a matter of course , this is actually the first I ever heard of a hair follicle test for being a truck driver . Its amazing the information they can get from a hair follicle, they have found cases of people being poisoned over long periods of time like this.

Does anyone have a recipe for All Bran cookies?

I once had a recipe for low calorie cookies that were made with All Bran, Artificial Sweetener,Sultanas and Cinnamon. They only worked out about 25 calories each biscuit and were a lot more edible than trying to munch a bowl of the cereal itself. Does anyone have the recipe or know of a similar low calorie one they could let me have please? I can't find my one [probably ate it!]

Am I getting repeated sinus, nasal and chest congestion attacks because I gave up smoking?

I have given up smoking since the onset of 2010. Till 10th of Jan or so everything seemed to be fine. But after that I have been having repeated bouts of nasal congestion, chest congestion etc related to cold. Though my resistance to chilly winds and mild winter as such is very poor, I never had nasal congestion problems. Is this because I have given up smoking?? Please help

Why do people like 2 chew gum?

cuz people like 2 chew gum cuz there breath and other thing dat tey like 2 che it 4 it dnt make sense i noe but its fun chewin gum

What is the the year of the ford truck on the Rascal Flatts "What Hurts the Most" Video?

I know it's a Ford, and I believe that it is between '67 & '72, but was just trying to figure what year exactly.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I have been single for 8 years. I am in shape and ppl tell me im not ugly. I cant find a woman. what shouldido

I have tried bars, group get togethers, work scene. It all seems to fail. Personals, random luck. its all the same. Im fighting time and really want to meet someone what is the first step and following steps I should take?

Is there any jobs with the following animals?

panda bears, zebraz, chinchillas, sugarglider, snowy owls, white tigers, polar bearss, snow leopard, koala bears, seals, finger monkey, miniature pinscher dogs, miniature shih tzu puppies, dolphins, Ferret.

What is a good audition song for me?

I'm an alto/lower mezzo. I don't have professional training, but I am pretty familiar with Rodgers and Hammerstein and very familiar with Sondheim. I just need a back-up song that I could just pull out of a hat if I needed it. Thank you.

Gay guy has a crush on me. I need a witty response?

The other night I was at a party and an openly gay guy from my cl in school confessed his attraction to me and began to engage me in a series of intensely awkward and long hugs. Naturally it was all in jest and i'd be a fool to let that bother me. Still, as a shy and self conscious guy I found the whole thing quite embarring. I couldn't think of anything to say or how to react. I am worried that I already have a reputation as being abnormally quiet and socially awkward and this only furthered that. Subsequently he has left a link on my facebook page saying "hugging your crush" which has received attention. It may seem trivial and this question may be pathetic but this is an opportunity to produce a witty and favourable comeback. The trouble is, as in real social situations I feel lost for words. What would the best way to respond be?

Why is our debt climbing when the elected officials say they are against increasing it?

Brazil took a mive loan from the IMF, there was no way they could pay it back so the IMF took land very expensive land the Amazon. i here the imf have their eye on some more very expensive land in the USA so they are forcing the USa to take ever increasing loans until they have them where they want them.

Car Radio 6 Disc Changer?

I have a 2002 Toyota Highlander with original factory six disc cd changer. I am planning to replace it with a touch screen radio. If I replace it, will it still be a six disc or will it just be one?

Impress the Boss at work...?

Concentrate on your job, do it well and he will be impressed. Your looks don't matter so don't worry. Make your work speak for itself. BTW, you can impress him by working overtime but make sure he knows you are working overtime (you can tell him indirectly by sending a work-related email or something. Don't say it directly. And don't do overtime all the time or he will take you for granted)

Whos gonna watch the new Family Guy spin off, The Cleveland Show?

For all you that may not be aware, there will be a new Family Guy Spin off, starting Cleveland called "The Cleveland Show." Cleveland moves to Virginia with Cleveland Jr. Cleveland will have a new wife, Donna, a new daughter, Roberta, and a new son Rilo. Cleveland's neighbors include a pair of talking bears, an English family, and a redneck couple. Cleveland will leave Family Guy, and the show is to premiere in 2009, it will contain cut-away-scenes and everything just as in Family Guy. How cool is that, you would watch that....right???

Why does the bible say no one seeks the Lord and everyone says they seek him?

Rom 3:11. Why does the bible say no one seeks Gods righteousness and are all sinning and people say they are seeking him but no one can be righteous as God? Can it be no one seeks his face and are sinning day to day because they do not seek him for his ways to be added unto them. Sense they do not seek this understanding God can give, no one can understand to depart from evil, and are unworthy to find the glory of God, and that is heaven and the understanding of holiness.....which is the mystery of the cross and Gods love, even though you do not seek heaven, God with love came and gave heaven to you with his son Jesus nailed up to a cross, as no sinner can enter into heaven.

Reporter for Tabloids??

Right now I am a Junior in high school and taking my second year of Journalism. I am wanting to become a journalist for a tabloid magazine. Preferably People magazine.. I need to know what are the "must haves" before I will be able to be a reporter for a tabloid.. Like what college should I go to? Like the best college, right now I am in Illinois but willing to move.. How many years of college? Stuff like that..

I think he has fluid in his neck please help my ferret?

i put him in a smaller cage and i have been puting a cold towle on him and then a hot one switching it back and forth he is holding his neck weird and he wont eat unless he is laying down he cant even walk stright but he had a three storie cage and he jumped out off the top one and landed badly and i dont know what to do

Why did people have a problem with what LBJ said after the finals loss?

I've watched different ysts debate how poor of a statement he made after the finals and I'm wondering what they're talking about. He didn't say anything that wasn't true. He should pay no attention to the haters out there and enjoy his life with his family. Everyone else will have to return to their normal lives since the finals are over and there isn't a great deal else on Tv to distract you from problems you have. Everyone has problems. My feeling is that people don't like to hear the truth and people really hate hearing the truth from someone whom they hate. What I hate is what he did today which was clarifying what he said and subsequently getting flack for that. What he said didn't come off to me as someone thinking they were above others. I said once he went to Miami last year that they wouldn't win the title this year and I was right. I had no problem with the Decision except for him needing to have his boy Maverick call the teams during the telecast to let them know he wasn't coming to play for them. Obviously if Maverick didn't know where was going, he couldn't have done it, however I believe he knew. Other than that, didn't have a problem with "The Decision." I'm not a LBJ fan either. I like watching him play, but I'm not a fan. Why did people have a problem with what he said after the finals?

Why are normal women ier than plastic models/movie stars/etc.?

Reflecting on the "gross" question I wonder why some men find the fake plastic barbie-girl attractive and why some men (or women for that matter) find normal women attractive? Are we programmed by media to feel that way? Do our childhood perceptions of the chase for beauty (plastic surgery, lipo, etc) imprint a sense of what is beautiful in us? Is there some evolutionary desire for 'perfection' at work? Does the individual's sense of "healthy" reflect in that choice?

Is there anyone else getting fed up with all the Colts/Patriots fans trash-talking back and forth???

I don't like either team. I wish one would hurry up and get beat because it is all you hear. I guess it is good for the fans of those teams to talk a little trash to hype up the game. When they are done with these two teams another pair will fire up. I guess it is good in a way but it kinda gets old when that is all you hear especially on this forum.

Who do you prefer.........?

I think John Cena by far is the better one. He's a great wrestler, a great person, and a great actor. Beckham doesn't even have half of that going for him.

Whats the name of this song? ?

look up on youtube "go girl" cause their is a song named go girl and it is so good!! hope that is it!

How to deal with very mean sister?

When you are going somewhere together tell her BEFOREHAND that you are going to leave at X:00 whether she is ready or not. Then when that time comes - go. You have to TAKE the power back. Sounds like she has it all now. Say what you mean and DO WHAT YOU SAY. If you don't she will learn very quickly that the things you say are not true.

Car crash please help!!!?

ok i was driving and i went to change lanes and the car in the other lane sped up and we like side swiped. the person from the other car just got out and looked at her car and then went back in her car. i just stayed in my car. we just drove away after that. i wanted to like go out and say something but like i didn't know what to do. i forgot to write down her license plate to. what will happen? please help!! i live in New York by the way

Anyone who likes poetry!plz help!?

Then, I suggest you quit transcribing the poem and to do the PERSONAL opinion personally. It's supposed to be YOUR opinion, not anyone else's.

What Should Jesus Have Said?

Robert Green Ingersoll Rocks. He was so ahead of his time. He refused to denounce his atheism thus he couldn't run for office.

How can I get over my fear of fast heart beat?

I started getting bad panic attacks about 2 1/2 months ago which all started cause I was having bad chest pain which caused me to have a bad panic attack and come to find out it was just gas. Well now I'm afraid of my heart beating too fast. I can't do anything strenuous or physical that will cause my heart rate to go up cause I'm afraid of getting a panic attack ontop of an already accelerated heart rate and dying from a heart attack or cardiac arrest. I literally live my life trying my best not to make my heart beat too fast. What can I do? This is making me miserable. Am I in any danger if I have a panic attack ontop of an already fast heart beat from working out or simply speed walking? I can't even do laundry barely, and I'm afraid to have ..... :(

Rate my fantasy football team......?

rule number one: get rid of bush. hes a bust, as weve seen the past years. todd heap is great, mostly because no reciever will take catches away from him cause the rest of the ravens suck at catching, especially in the red zone. steve smith and roy are good, except steve has no QB and roy will split catches among not only calvin johnson, but shaun mcdonald and mike furry. minnesota had a great year in means of defense and turnovers, so thats really good for you, and booth drew brees and derek will deliver in the pocket. addai is still as great as ever, and underrated, and fred, despit splitting carries with jones drew will be great, just like last year. hell get the goal line carries cuase hesbetter at pounding through than jones drew due to JD's lack of size. mason will alsao flourish with his field goals, because he has power, and chances are, not a lot of touchdowns will be scored by GB this year :( lastly, anthony will be amzing if marvin doesnt fully recover cause that means he has mannign in the pocket and reggie by his side, and hell be a starter. i think good thoughts about many players, except bush and possibly, POSSIBLY, roy williams...

MATH HELP! how do you answers this question?

try 6 since the Hyp is 17 and the Legs is 23 basiclly its saying what is the legs and 17 + 6 = 23 id try that i remember doing this a few months back but not quite sure

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Do you like these lyrics? do you know what they mean?

Hmm I like it. I think it's about hatred someone has for another person because they're being a fake... or something like that.

Is this story good for a thirteen year old?

That's a great story for a thirteen year-old with severe mental retardation. For a normal one... not so much.

I need a Good Mixtape name?

i am a 15 year old rapper who lives in P.G. (prince georges), i DO NOT rap about the dumb stuff solja boi an them rap about, my lyrics are more like j. cole, lupe, an b.o.b.

What do you all americans think about romania??

what do you think?what do you now?except the dogs that showed on tv whit NATO and everything(they exagerate).i really want you to now that ia a verry beautiful country whit smart and good people.

Who Believes In "AnInconvienentTruth"?

Well That Film Is An Amazing And eye opening Film That Explains Every Possible objection To the DisBelife Of Climate Change but I Was wondering How Many dumb people Dont actual believe al gore?

How can I halp my jasmine to climb up the columns on my porch w/out sliding to the ground?

Last year I planted three confederate jasmine plants in front of the columns on my back porch. The jasmine has grown profusely and is circling the columns, but unlike ivy, it doesn't have the little "suckers" to help it to cling to the smooth columns. Any advice to kep it growing up the length of the column instead of lying in a pile on the ground?

Why do Christians pretend to know what's on God's mind?

Before you ask that question, maybe you should be asking why they pretend that there is a God at all? The answer to that is that they want to establish an absolute authority that no one can question, and that authority to used to control people. If you understand that, then you understand why they pretend to know the mind of god as well.

What is the difference between 5000 vs 10000 hcg trigger shot? first time doing hcg im confused please help!!!?

it depends on how much you weigh. at my doctor's office, the cut off is 175 lbs. if you weight less than that you only use 5000 if you weigh more than that you use 10000

What to 'dress up' for the man in my life? Guys preferences wanted!?

Go to a Hooters for lunch on your own. Dress up as a Hooters girl and be his waitress for an evening. Cook him chicken wings (frozen) & fries. Turn sports on TV and play the stereo loud. Flirt with him a little and then leave for 5 minutes. After an hour, clean up the table, give him your number on a slip of paper, and go home. No fooling around at all. He will dream about you.

Just bought a Scion Tc and its lowered, how can i raise it?

Find out how it was lowered. If it's just springs, all you have to do is replace them with OEM springs. Check a scion enthusiast forum. You could probably pick up used or new springs from someone that lowered their car for around $40 tops. I'm pretty sure I have some springs laying around somewhere, so if you want, you can e-mail me. I'll sell them for shipping costs. It would probably cost you around $100 to get them installed.

Is my pc any good for gaming?

verry nice only problem id see is your operating system go buy xp its faster :P and you can get vista icons and look alike themes but yes its verry good

No more baby name questions?

I am impressed that you are so early in your pregnancy yet still managed to come up with set-in-stone baby names. We were well into our pregnancy before agreeing even on a list of possibilities. We have 4 kids and our youngest didn't have a name until a few days before my due date. Both your name choices sound just fine. What matters most is that both of you like them. Let's see, I'll guess that you are carrying Abbie Rose.

Question for New Yorkers:?

My wife and I currently make $200k annually (net) and live in Prospect Heights. We unfortunately do not have enough saved to buy a house (need at least six figures in Brooklyn). We have 1 child on the way and no debt beyond just $8000 in school loans. What do you think is a reasonable amount to pay for childcare, either daycare or nanny? We currently pay $3300 in rent for a 2-bedroom and cannot move for another year.

Looking for Employment Las Vegas, NV?

Hi !! Are you looking for a hardworking employee ??? I'm your man... Can work any hours/any shift... Not interested in telemarketing, or exotic sales jobs. I am 36, caucasian, drug free. I am a long time Las Vegas resident, I'm available immediately. If you need a dependable worker, contact me at lvegasguy2003@yahoo.com..

How to do I encode video to H264 TS in Mac final cut studio?

Somehow I always end up with a file encoded with the AVC1 codec when I try to encode to H264. Why does it do that?

The bunny hop..... what do u think?

Your objective is to teach how to find the steady beat by demonstrating locomotor skills and coordination and all that you said. At a PreK or K level, finding and keeping a steady beat is an important lesson still! You can ess what they learned by observing them keep a beat by moving properly and together. They need to know simple standing - in - place movements to the beat before they staret moving around the room. ALso they need to know to be mindful of others and how to handle their friends physically, which hopefully they know. But watch as a couple of kids might be weird about touching each other in the bunny hop. Make sure they don't crash into each other too much! You need enough space. My Kindergarteners were impossible in cl today! :) I am a music teacher for 6 yrs. now.

Decided to keep a pup off our recent litter...male names?

I like Lycan but if you may call a kid that hmmm better not... my dad did that, called his GSD Tara but wanted to call his first Daughter Tara... well Tara the dog was still around when I wan born and mum would not let him call her child the same name as the dog lol... So pick wisely... If not Cobra would be my next choice

Is anyone else disappointed about SKY's coverage of Gerry's return to work ?

This circus goes on and on and on.I'd like to bet that there are far more patients and colleagues who want Gerry to stay away from work as want him there.Of course all the doctors who don't agree with his return will have been silenced by Clarrie.It will be interesting to see how long he will last.

Who else thought was a load of hot steamy crap?

in the alabama lsu game not too long ago when the review box reversed the catch that matt caddell oviously caught... he had total control over the ball and his foot dragged the ground for atleast 3-4 seconds? what the hell?!?!?!?

I have a 1994 oldsmobile 98 regency and the air comes out of the defrost vents only.?

I can switch the controller on the dash and the light on the switch changes position but the air only comes out of the defrost. If the control head is electronic push-on how can I troubleshoot this problem and what all could be the problem? The controls on the dash are ons, electric ones. There is no stitch to move or anything like that. I just push a on and the led light in the switch comes on but air flow does not change from defrost.

Fat-soluble vitamins include which vitamins? or are all vitamins fat-soluble?

Only A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble (and can aculate in your body). Vitamin C and all of the Bs are water-soluble (which means excess will be excreted in your urine).

Which players would you put in your club's greatest ever starting eleven?

I couldn't be bothered working out a complete team but you can't leave out Kenny Dalgleish, Ian Rush, Alan Hansen and I would also consider Emlyn Hughes, Phil Neal, Bruce Grobellar and possibly Kevin Keegan

Verbal abuse?

my parents were way psycho when i was a kid, and i turned out fine. eventually, moving out of the house cures all ills. your siblings will be fine.

What is the jelly on our lilly pads?

We have found some jelly like substance on the bottom of our lilly pads that looks like transparent gummy worms. Some of them have black tiny black spots in them. Does anyone know what these could be? We have fish, a fresh water muscle and seven pond snails in the pond.

Aren't we ever so grateful that GW allowed us to have the midterm elections?

The only difference between GW and the Ayatollahs is that they can choose who votes and when to vote,but he can not.He lost all power to influence our elections when the American people stopped buying into his scare tactics.RED AND ORANGE ALERTS

What have you done today?

WOW! You have had a VERY productive day and its not even over yet! I got up this morning around 9 after sleeping in and laying there for an hour watching tv. Then I got up, walked the dogs, hung some laundry I put in the wash last night before bed, worked on my laundry room and my pantry (just put in a new food pantry and sort of messed up the laundry room as the "holding area", cleaned out the sunroom, ate some cake (didn't feel like BREAKFAST!), cleaned out the dining room, did another load of laundry, dried a load, took the laundry on the line in, talked to my Mom for an hour and a half while I organized cans, bottles, and packages in the pantry, fed the dogs, vacuumed the laundry room, kitchen, butlers pantry, dining room and living room. I put all the extra "organizers" in the living room (now its messy AGAIN!). Put up all the old newspapers, did some dishes, and organized my dish towels, dish cloths, and micro fiber cloths in the butlers pantry, organized the butlers pantry area and cleaned off the counter top in there. Sounds like a lot, but I have been just putzing along doing this and that, trying to get one mess cleaned up and starting another mess somewhere else. It seems never ending doesn't it? LOL! And now I am taking a break on the computer while I look up a lady's address for a dishwasher. And its 2:30 pm. Cool question! LOL! Hope this answers yours! Good luck with your new found energy and ambition to clean it up!

My Muay-Thai coach wants me to take fights?

But I dont really want to what should I do? My coach keeps telling me I would do well in muay-thai, but I got into muay-thai and started training MMA and muay-thai because of self-defense not because of tournaments. I get abducted by aliens (greys) about 2-3 times a month sometimes as high as 8. Im sick of it. I have to train myself mentally also so their paralysis techniques wont work on me. I can now use strikes with much better accuracy and power. So I can hit one of those greys those greys would be as good as dead. Although I wouldnt use muay-thai on the Reptoids cause they are too powerful.

Who do you think will win the AFC Title in 2009?

my three contenders are pittsburgh, baltimore,and a shocking kansas city with all the help oh and new englang for a fourth if brady stays healthy

Girl trouble. Dudes, a little help?

If you know where she lives, you need to go over to her house and be like "hey we need to sit down and talk". If she says okay, then just sit down with her and say something like, "i was wondering if you still have feelings for me or not, because you are all over me one day and then ignoring me the next, and it is bugging the hell out of me". You can say something like that or something along the lines of that. Hope this helped.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How do all anti mongers discipline their misbehaving children?

Other forms of discipline can work in model situtions. But many of these people avoid talking about the more drastic cirstances such as if the child is destroying things or if you turn the tv off and he turns it back on. You put him in the quiet chair and he gets out of it. isn't lways the solution but people need to know there is force to bck up the threats. Imagine arming police with only a whistle and soon enogh you'll realise some people are not goong to take them seriously.

Pomeranian Names!? Please! ?

I would suggest for a white dog the names of Casper,Frosty,Flash,Misty,or Snow White.A name that suits the pets personality would be great also.

Why Does This Keep Happening ? Do I Love Him ? Does He Love Me?

Let me get this straight...you are 13 years old and your TEACHER is flirting with you ???? This is bad, very very bad...... Do yourself a favor and ask to be moved to a different cl. This person would be comitting a huge crime by trying to have a relationship with you and could go to jail. Also, talk to your parents about this situation.

An electron jumps to a new energy level when?

Im not sure what you mean by energy level. The valence electron (outer shell) moves to the next atom of a conductor when a charge is applied thus creating current. With this in mind I would chose the first option.

BOTS!! Error Help?

i have vista.. and when ever i uodate it says something like bulinfo.sys cannot be created.... how do i fx that

Epiphone Les Paul Standard vs Korina 1985 Explorer?

They are both greta guitars I would choose the Explorer but that is just my own personal taste in guitars.

How should i continue my ex hunter schooling?

sounds like he just needs more time under saddle, and more time to adjust to the arena. if he responds well, and listens to your cues, just working him more often in areas he's not comfortable in will help him not be so spooky. if he's already a good hunter, then just let him do what he knows how. build on what base he already has, and he'll excel. really need more info to give you much more.

Am I too worried about time before $8000 tax credit comes up? Friendship at risk...?

The program is not only for foreclosures for one. Second have you gotten yourself preapproved? If not you are wasting time. Do you have the downpayment and closing costs saved up? If not you are wasting your time. Last rushing and saying you need to find a home this weekend is a huge mistake as you will buy anything that is even remotely close to what you are looking for, again has to p appraisal and inspection.

Does this really happen at nightclubs sometimes?

Sometimes at nightclubs, do the bouncers actually stop people from going inside the club if they're not beautiful, if they're wearing something that's out of style, if they look boring, etc.?

CCC gave me an unfair offer. ?

I got a copy of my CCC report because my car was a total loss. I have an 06' scion tc. With 40,000 miles. With a rebuilt title. I know the a car loses value with a rebuilt but what their trying to offer me is unfair. Their trying to offer me an actual cash value price of 5,300. And they only showed me 2 dealerships that were agreeing with that actual cash value. AND NO LOCAL ADS. both ACV was 5,300. BUT..... i called the dealers and they told me they dont sell rebuilts and not for that price. So i called the CCC, they told me they call the dealers and ask for their " opinion " on how much should be deducted from a NON REBUILT VEHICLE. So they don't actually even look for my same vehicle. Their looking for something different. I looked up local ads and my vehicle ( rebuilt ) goes for $8,000-$10,000. And most that go for 8,000 are stickshift, automatic go for more. And some are even a year older than mine. Is this fair for the CCC to do ? They only gave me those 2 dealerships and when i called they dont sell my type of car. I feel like their handling my case by " opinions " not an actual price, or even a car going for that price. What should i do. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance.

Private Yacht Owner, Legal Arms for protection?

Only a fool who knows what that area is like goes into that area! I rarely leave the USA, it is where I belong and that is where I stay. I never mess with pirates, specially punks that are all hopped up on Kaat and so stupid that they kill the four on board the Quest in close proximity of the Navy Seals then put up their hands as if it would be ok. I cannot imagine how likely the pirates were not to have been killed, only the training of the Navy forces that saved their lives. I personally would have killed them, but that's why I am not in the Navy. One idiot pirate did try to attack the Navy forces with a knife and died for his actions. Eventually the international shipping companies will hire mercenaries and there will be a bounty of each pirate scalp.

Giving my rabbit a blanket/rag for her hutch in cold winter nights?

so long as you bunny has plenty of hay/wood shavings to bed down in you shouldn't have to supplement it. However its better to have lots of thin layers (warm air is trapped in between the layers and maintains heat) rather than one thick layer. So I'd take the tshirt/towel option.

What/where does the koran and the torah talk about before marriage? please help. its for a presentation?

i really need an answer soon. i already know about what it says about it in the bible. I have to present a six minute speech on abstinence being taught in schools and more religious standpoints would help me alot. thanks in advance!

Chicken broth?

I want to use chicken stock to make broth for soup, but how much stock and water do I use so it's not too salty?

Funny Chris Rock quote.?

You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy,the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named Bush, , and Colon.~~~Chris Rock~~~

HELP! how do guys show they're interested??! glad to help anyone who answer's mine!

You could ask him, most guys would prefer to be obvious but are afraid the girl won't consider it "romantic". The secret is to flirt back and the ones you are interested, or at least willing to give a chance to. A smile and some feminine curves is all it takes.

After socialized health care can we have a socialized college tuition plan, a socialized car insurance and?

Sure, why not? Don't forget socialized food! Food is a necessity of life and the government's job is to provide all people with food. Then there's socialized dental care--people are going to have to eat the food. And then there's socialized toilet paper--people need TP to be clean. Since people need it, the government needs to provide it for everybody. It's a right! Maybe we can even get the government to use the TP for us, after all why should citizens be responsible for wiping their own s?

Adapter for cable to telephone modem?

I tried to buy one of those, but a tiny piece was broken so I'm returning it. But it wasn't working right before it broke. I'm buying a netbook for that house.

Where can i buy a green iguana?

i'm in the philippines and i want to buy a green iguana online but i don't know any sites that sends reptiles to the philippines? please help.

Damaged Ugg boots? please help. ?

Okay so I live in a pretty cold climate (upstate New York) and i have uggs. well i think the salt that they put on the roads damaged them cause there is a white line across the top and i think its from the salt. Does anyone know of anthing i can do to fix it please help!

16th Birthday??

I want to have a sixteenth birthday. My birthday is in January and i want the theme to be winter wonderland. When i searched winter wonderland online it was all christmas. Is that theme only good for December? And what type of food should be served? I'm thinking more on the appetizer side. Also, im want it to be semiformal. I want everyone to dress in white, blue, and sliver(gray) to match the theme colors. Is that asking too much? What should the invitations look like too? I've never really planned a party before so i dont really know where to start. Thanks!

Why isn't anyone answering my question? did i do something wrong? why is he acting this way? ):?

I don't think he hates you maybe before he was just a little unsure of you because he was upset about his mom. Now it seems like hes interested in you. I would definitely go cause it seems like you two like each other. i would just be yourself and try to keep conversation going otherwise it'll seem awkward. ha

Is drinking scotch means you are stylish?

i guess it is i always hear them talking about scotch in movies. i like whiskey and rum and i hate vodka except in long island ice teas

What does this mean when your wife says...?

I'm currently away in Iraq on deployment for the Army. Me and my wife bicker here and there just stupid stuff mainly because the distance is tough, but never anything too serious. We've been together 5 and a half years and things have been rocky but never to the point of separation. Today shes acting very defensive and weird and is being unnaturally mean to me. Shes having conversations with guys on facebook and other little things. So I ask her to see her facebook pword to see if she has anything to hide and she gets super defensive and leaves, later comes back and I question her if shes having feelings for another guy and she keeps saying its weird I don't know. She leaves for work then later comes online and says I'm sorry its just I think a client at work is hot and its getting me confused, I don't talk to him outside of work I promise. What should I do?

Would a Formula 1 GP in Nepal be a good idea?

If you want high altitude then F1 should go back to Kyalami rather than jetting off to yet another country with no history in F1. Also it would rather condone what China is up to in Nepal if F1 went there, and I'm not sure that would be in F1's interests.

How do i get my friends to stop telling the girl about me liking her?

Have a serious talk with them. Be stern and keep a straight face because they probably think you are joking and think its funny. If they continue to joke around tell them to stop being immature and get a life of their own and to stop interfering with yours,

Annoying little brother?

I have a younger brother who is 7. He is so wild and crazy he never listens and is always rude, obnoxious, and unattentive to directions what should I do? I need him to be calm and attentive. What is the best method to make him into my friend he is very rough and rowdy as well.

Infected Hair Follicle????

Approximately 2 years ago a small bump formed at the top of my scalp. It wasn’t discolored or causing any pain. My doctor said there was nothing to worry about and it will eventually go away on its own. Months ped and the bump remained (still no pain) but it was getting bigger and bigger. It eventually became so large that it started to become worrisome. Finally, after 2 years and with the slightest touch, the bump just popped. What came out was a watery substance along with some blood. It took a couple of weeks to drain this thing completely. It eventually turned into a scab with a small bump and for the past few weeks I’ve been trying to remove this scab but it wouldn’t budge. I’ve tried tweezers, everything. FINALLY this past weekend I had enough and took a look again. A light squeeze of the bump brought up a hard, yellowish, rather large (about 5 mm in size), tooth-like, somewhat transparent, object (the best I can describe it) leaving a hole in my scalp (no bump). WTF?

NASCAR Configuration of Nextel & Busch cars.?

Over the past decade of watching NASCAR (my all-time favorite) I have noticed that the right (penger) side of the roof seems to be lower than the left (driver) side of the roof on the Nextel & Busch series cars.....Or am I just needing new gles????

What does carbon monoxide do to your red blood cells ?

just to clarify, CO has a higher binding affinity than O2 for hemoglobin, the structure in red blood cells that normally carries oxygen. it is not irreversible, just preferable. you treat patients of CO poisoning with 100% O2, hoping to get some O2 back on the hemoglobin through its ubiquity. without O2 delivered to muscles and the brain, you die. curiously, CO is odorless. evolutionarily, we must not have had much of a danger from it.

Why isn't former President GW Bush and vice President Cheney convicted of domestic terrorism yet?

We all know they were the biggest sponsors of domestic terrorism act. Why are they still free? Why does Cheney hate the United States despist his making millions off this country? Why is America worried about nuclear arms in other countries when we, here in the united states are the most likely to use what we habe?

Gong to bed now. With (gasp!) another man! I SUPPOSE this will DESTROY the order of God's Perfect Cosmos?

Have a friend I haven't heard from in years. No idea how he got my new number. His life is spiraling out of control. Lost his job. Mom died five months ago. Maxed out his credit cards. None of his friends can/will help him. And it really suddenly hit him really hard tonight that he can never talk to his Mom again. So I bought him a rotisserie chicken and Dr. Pepper. (What he wanted) and I will go to bed with him and kiss him and tell him everything is going to be OK. I suppose God will be furious about this, and The Heavens will shake in anger and confusion. Perhaps Fire and Brimstone will reign down on Los Angeles tonight?

Science fiction fans, help me out with the title and author to this story! About aliens abducting children?

Actually, there's an episode of Outer Limits (I believe it was a two-parter) that's very very similar. It's called The Inheritors, and starred Robert Duvall.

Shouldn't the NHL season end sooner?

The final stanley cup game was held on June 12th! If the Lakers had swept the Orlando Magic in 4 games, the NBA season would have ended before the NHL season! This wasn't even an olympic year! The NHL shouldn't have to compete w/the NBA championship for recognition....The NHL needs to hv it's own time period to recognize the greatness of the Stanley Cup run. The season should end no later than the 2nd week in May. Move the beginning of the season up, or shorten the first round back to a best of five as it once was, etc...anything to avoid playing into June, heading into JULY!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If Muhammad(founder of Islam) never existed, would the world have been less violent?

You cannot undo history. You should realise that violence is a part and parcel of living not only for muslums but for the whole creation. Men kill men, animals kill animals, stars ram into other stars, black holes swallow up stars and galaxies. Look where you want and you will see that without violence there is no stability and peace.Muslims destroyed temples and idols because they do not believe in idol worship and they did this in places which they had conquered and annexed. This is what any victor in war is entitled to do and has been doing throughout history. Hence you do not have to single out Muslims for violence. Do you mean to say non muslim rulers did not kill their enemies in war? As far as crusades are concerned they were conducted by the Christians to fight against Muslims and rival christian sects. As for Muhammad(pbuh) is concerned he was not a military leader but a spiritual leader. He lead armies against those people who prevented him and his followers from following their beliefs; and for your info Hitler, Napolean, Lord Clive, Lord Dalhousie,were not muslims and were not taught by Muhammad(pbuh). Those who dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not muslims and were not students of Muhammad(pbuh); those who faught wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan without any valid reason were not Muslims. (Did they find any weapons of m distruction in Iraq?).Those who slaughtered unarmed red Indians by the thousands and took over thier land were not Muslims; Those who killed black slaves by hundreds and burryied them under foundations of buildings were not Muslims but Americans. Were it the Muslims who performed a shameless show of bombings and destruction in Iraq over major TV channels? So my friend try to see the facts and speak the truth. I would advise you to take off your communal goggles and look at the world in proper prospective. It is not necessary to always be with the majority.

I joined yahoo about two hours ago, I have been bombarded by popups, advertisent, I can hardly see the screen?

i use yahoo for over a year now, and i never received a single pop-up. and i don't use pop-up blocker. so i ume you have some computer infection that loads pop-ups. run antispyware scan to wipe out the malicious programs. if you don;t have anti spyware, i recommend spyware doctor: a href="http://www.2-spyware.com/review-spyware-doctor.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.2-spyware.com/review-spyware-…/a

Do Shakespeare's history plays suck? I like his tragedies but I just read Henry V...?

I never read Henry V so I wouldn't know but MacBeth, Hamlet, and Caesar are awesome. Do some research and get info on the play before you read it. You might find a history play that you like.

This is for someone very knowledgable in H.R./Personnel issues.....

I have been working through a temporary agency at a large, national company. In six months time, I have seen quite a lot of inappropriate and untoward behavior on the part of the employees and the branch manager. It really is, at times, very hard to bear and I feel that the big bosses should hire a psychologist to come in and evaluate these people. There is profanity used on a continuous basis and I suspect the manager of either doing drugs or having with a female employee on the lunch hour. There is a whistle blower phone number. I am very afraid to report anyone because I feel that everything will point to me. How reliable is the privacy on these whistle blower phone lines? I wonder why no one has ever reported this outrageous behavior before this. Your advice is greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind that I am the employee of a temporary agency. Thank you!!!

What was the most unlucky thing ever to happen to your team (Read On)?

The most unlucky thing in my team's history is the tragic limo accident after the Wings won the Stanley Cup in 1997 that injured Vladimir Konstantinov and team meuse, Sergei Mnatsakanov.

I go to community college, if i drop bellow 12 credits, will it effect my financial aid refund.?

It mostly depends on when the end of the add/drop date. If you drop the credits after the last day to add/drop to get a 100% refund then it will effect it. If you drop after that date your financial aid refund will stay the same. You will be on probation for the next quarter you attend. You will want to talk to the financial aid office, to make sure you dont have to do anything extra. But the refund will still be yours, and you wont have to pay anything back.

Identity theft; Do you ever feel slighted that no one wants yours...?

I mean; By all means steal it!, take the 120 credit report, delinquent student loan payment, the various misdemeanors for public nudity and the restraining order my neighbor placed on me for launching his own dogs pooh, found in my yard, and consequently thrown into his jacuzzi.

My skin is acting up again, and I've tried tons of acne remedies; what can you suggest?

My skin usually looks good, but lately it's starting to break out a lot, and I'm at a loss as to what I should do. I have very oily skin, so products like cetaphil, biore and other cream/lotion based products don't absorb into my skin very well. I tried proactiv years ago, but my skin is too dry and sensitive to use that. My current regimen is to wash my fash with plain, nonfat yogurt and follow up with apple cider vinegar dilluted with water; this worked okay for awhile, but no longer. I'm thinking about hydrogen peroxide, but I've heard mixed things about it. What about witch hazel? I'm really at a loss as to what I should do. Can anybody recommend me a way to rid myself of blemishes, and perhaps even a system that would work for me (exfoliation, cleansing, toning, moisturizing?) Thanks a lot.

Do you like Lady Gaga's image?

"Now I don’t mean to sound like someone who is hating on my generation or anything, and don’t get me wrong, I like Lady Gaga’s music, but honestly, she’s totally weird! I mean, in our day and age anything meaningless or confusing is praised by young society. Why? I just don’t get it. I mean I like Lady Gaga’s music because it has a good beat. But really, I only understood her first song about just dancing in a party. The way I interpreted it was that I drank too much and now I have to dance a whole lot to sweat it out and sober up. I don’t know what else she was singing about. I mean she was a children’s pool toy in the bloody kiddie pool in her music video?!? I don’t understand why girls think they have to look like trash of some form to get noticed. Her music is pretty funky, that’s all she needs to put out there. And really, why is she always dressed like a space robot? What’s even more funny, is that she’s completely outrageous and slutty in her music videos, but when someone interviews her shes quiet and somewhat shy. Stop trying to act like you’re a reserved young lady when you’re selling to get big! This jig is up buddy, everyone knows you’re a ! But honestly, I do like her songs, the rhythm, all that crap, but just because people like you, you don’t have to start acting like a douche to keep their attention. Who can relate to the horrid way she dresses, and her weird cover your face dance moves along with thelady-gaga22 in your face !? Lady Gaga, you’re going to confuse your fans too much and make yourself a 3 hit wonder (aka Sisqo)! Sorry to report the bad news hun!"

How can I retrieve frequencies from a discrete time signal, lets say in matlab?

Let us generate two sinusoidal freq and add them togather and plot them. Now sample them and based on sampled data we are retrieving the frequecies contain in the signal. We have to use fourier transform (DFT) but how many points DFT we use? what is criteria. I know there is an example in matlab but I need something more illustrative.

Geeks or Wonks? A Political Theory of Geeks and Wonks : Status quo or Change ?

Under that definition I'm a geek or aspiring to be. I believe Ron Paul to be the best choice for America. He is the only experienced candidate that isn't part of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). This organization is big business, big money and controls most media outlets. Instead do a search about them. To me it seems like they want to take our ever decreasing constitutional rights away and put in a dictator/puppet of their choice. Eventually they want a one world govt, controlled by them of course. America's military is their policy making attack dog, hence some of the past wars and current war, our lives = their profit. If he is not elected we may become the North American Union instead of the USA, have a big *** highway run through the country, and instead of the US dollar the Amero. There may be more consequences/theories but I'm too lazy to type. So don't take my word for it, do your own research. You can check his campaign website for his stance on issues. Also check out youtube for other info. CFR the real terrorist is a threat to our national security. Ron Paul deserves our support. Vote wisely. Good Luck

Do Spanish Catholics celebrate Saints Day?

It is not just a Spanish custom. There was a time when Catholics named their children after the saint of their birth date. So the saint's feast day and the person's birthday would coincide and their would be two celebrations.

How can I braid my hair like this? Braiding bangs ? Link inside

I think you're best of printing a picture of the braid and showing your hair dresser next time you see them.

Who shows more unconditional love; Dogs or People?

Dogs!!! They love you no matter what, I love my dogs more than anybody! Mans best friend is definitely true, you never hear of a dog giving you crap for coming home late!! Dogs are the best!!!

Publix and hot ladies?!?

I'm serious about this. Why is it that Publix supermarket is always packed aisle to aisle with extremely hot women. Everyone that I ask about this know exactly what I'm talking about. It seems like there's a 20:1 ratio of smokin' ladies to men. Why? Any ideas what draws them to this particular grocery chain?

What bedroom styles are in right now? I'm looking for something sensual for 20 yr. olds.?

a href="http://girlsthemebedrooms.com/moroccan/IDreamofJeannieBedroom-moroccan-style-decorating.html" rel="nofollow"http://girlsthemebedrooms.com/moroccan/I…/a

I need to find a Big Hershey's Kiss?

http://www.candywarehouse.com/bigkiss.html i got 1 of these a few years ago i live in minneapolis mn and i was wondering if anyone knew a store that sells these?

Prom Dress Make-Up & Nail Polish HELP?

well i think light/dark purple would be good for make up and nails really light pink or sparkling sliver

Anyone know how to say this in Irish/Gaelic ?

It would really help me out if anyone could tell me a for-sure translation from English to Irish/Gaelic. How would you say "Never doubt yourself" or similar phrase the would imply always have faith and trust yourself... Short and sweet would be nice, but I'm mainly concerned with spelling, grammar, etc. ANY HELP would be great. thanx

Monday, November 7, 2011

Do you agree with on-the-spot motoring fines?

Quite right CERO, but to take up your quest, NO I don't agree with on the spot fines it will cause a lot of inconvenience to many folk in many ways.,and personalities could creep into this. John you meant under 55 of course and I think your right.,just a slip of your finger

How to make casio Exilim ex-f1 time lapse?

i want to know how you can make the camera take photo over a long time but only a few per hour, so i can make time lapse or stop motion on my casio exilim ex-f1 hi-speed camera.

Any other method to masturbate.?

I have been masturbating for 20 over years. In the begining, just a few minutes with the figures will do the job. Then I have to switch to use vibrator, and running water from the tap + putting something hard inside and sometimes need to include watching s to turn me on faster. Now all these still works but takes much longer time to get an . Is there any other method.

Can you recommend me a show?

The L word. Basically an all female cast. A little different though, this show is about a group of women in LA, really powerful and ground-breaking. Only show that showtime has picked up for a 6th season, available on DVD. Hope this helps.

My fiancee confessed to me that she is not a virgin. I'm heart broken.?

Well. First, is she Muslim as well? If so, (and I understan the Muslim beliefs as my 2 best friends are) then you should leave her. If not, no. She doesn't have to follow those beliefs and lost her virginity to a man she loved, just as she would have done to you if she had the chance. You must understand where shes coming from.

Should we implement Coal to oil technology in the U.S.?

no it's to dirty we would have more pollution than we have already we need a cleaner solution to this problem

Opinion on my story please?

It is an improvement over the last time I read it. I still don't like the weather report up front and the first sentence doesn't really draw me in. You don't need more detail of the murder. Best to keep it short and simple. There really isn't more detail you can give. It happens too quickly. Work more on the opening, but the rest has improved. Pax-C

Chicken pox query?

i am a 15yr old girl...........as far i know i have neva got chicken pox.......but people say we get at least once in lifetime.....is it true?

Help with microsoft word doent?

Can anyone please help me as i have got a deadline today and the microsoft word doent i saved on my pen drive 15 mins ago now won't open properly. When I double click on the file, it asks to install a converter and then weird symbols come up. Gives me option to change encoding, someone in the library asked to use utf-8 but wont work.

How come Voy (Spanish) means I? 10 p!?

I think you're misinterpreting something translated with "voy". Voy is the present tense 1st person singular of "ir", it means "I go" or "I'm going". In Spanish, the subject pronoun ("I") is optional and often left out. The form of "voy" tells a spanish-speaker that it's me who is going and not somebody else, without the need of a subject.

Do you think that subliminal messaging in Disney films sub consciously affect the way we behave as we grow up?

Yes, it is probably these fairy tales that make girls grow up to think a Prince is going to come into their lives, kiss them on the cheek, marry them, and then they will never have another problem for the rest of their lives, because this Prince married them and marriage was supposed to be forever. I think we should ban these films. It is this kind of nonsense that makes girls think they are nothing without a man and that they have no value as a human being, except for .

Brett Favre retired?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

After all these years, it looks like Brett has decided to retire. I can't believe it!!! I hope Rodgers can pull the load and get the Packers to the Super Bowl. What is your reaction to him retiring and do you think the Packers will be any good without him?

If Iverson came back can he still be like his old self?

I think he can still average 30ppg and 6apg and 2steals. He was just not focused this year or with detroit. Do you think if he returned to the nba he can put up those numbers. He is only 33 years old

What do you think---L.A. Noire?

You should be able to play it 100%. Like you said, it's just a video game. Not real. Yet, parents have it in their mindset that "violent video games will change their children." Unless you are mentally challenged or mentally disturbed, then i doubt anyone will think these games are real and want to do the stuff they see in the game. Basically, just play the game and enjoy it!

Our affair is 9 yrs old,he proposed marriage in 2001,his parents came 2004,no progress 2day,what can i do now?

i am 28 years old and he is 36 years old.i miscarried twice and he has a daughter in a previous relationship.i moved in with him in 200,i went back to my mom's home 2weeks ago and i just realised its a while since we wanted to et married.in my country pion killings are a plague,i havent told him i want to go back to my mom's home because i am afraid he might kill me.i have been patient enough and sacrificed a lot to be married to this man.i really love him and he treat me like a queen but the delay is worrying me.i am now confused and i dont know what to do.in his custom,in our way of life here in Africa,when we marry,our parents meet and plan our marriage,the couple plan the date and pay for attire,food,and everything,the groom's parents only pays lobola,the brides price.i talked to him about my fears and he feels its nothing to worry about.he said he wants his Father to do all the required as his father,now he is late,there is no way forward.what do you think i should do?

96 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 kicking out of overdrive,?

Okay we changed the transmission in my 96 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 automatic trans. 2wd. She did fine for about 4 weeks. Now after you have driven it around 25-30 miles and at speeds greater than 45 it is kicking itself out of overdrive. Any ideas?

Would you be willing to pay this price for a rub-on pain reliever?

There are some basics about topical pain relief lotions. Many are variations of standard herbs and homeopathic preparations. Follow the link below for some interesting facts and examples of herbal, mineral and homeopathic topicals in patches, creams and lotions..

What's the worst employee you've had/seen?

my parents owned an outdoor retail store when I was a kid and they hired this local girl. Well after a week they opened the employee closet and a pair of 100 dollar sun gles fell out of the girls purse. They warned her once and it happened again, they found jackets thrown over the back wall. They fired her and were threatened the next day by her "brothers" who told us we had just started a whole mess of trouble. :)

Please Help! Marshmallow Luancher Project!?

Best answer I can give you is this: get the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" There are a lot of trebuchets in it, and you can pause or slow-mo the actions so you can get a really good idea of how they work. Good luck.

Just want some advice...please?

This is my first time TTC and I just need some advice. I have read up on symptoms and everything but I am still oblivious to certain things. For one, I have taken a couple of HPT and all of them were a BFN. I am one day from hopefully not having AF. I have noticed in the past couple of days that I have a road map on my BBS. Also dont know if this has anything to do with it, but I have a hemmroid. I have a couple other symptoms but I may be making myself have them. I have mild to dull pain in my abdomen, dizzy headed, headaches and so on. If anyone has any advice on anything, it would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Did I do the right thing?

I'm 17 weeks pregnant, with a little girl. I had my first sonogram on the nineteenth, and just decided to tell everyone. The reason I didn't tell anyone but my mom and fiance before now is because the doctor told me that my pregnancy was high risk, because I'm so young and have low iron and that my chance of miscarriage was high. Plus, I feel like it's my decision to tell everyone when I want to tell them. Apparently, some people don't agree with me. I didn't want to tell everyone that there's going to be a baby, and then have a miscarriage. When my doctor did the sonogram and the results of my blood test came back and he said that everything was ok from here on out and that the chance of miscarriage was greatly reduced, I was excited for everyone to know. I told my sister and my mom's side of the family, and they were all really happy and just accepted that what's done is done, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I wanted to tell Daddy's side of the family myself, but my aunt Lorine, my mom's sister who always has her nose in somebody's business, beat me to it. I was kind of upset, because I didn't feel like it was ok for her to tell them. Other than me and my sister, she has no connection with them whatsoever. My stepmom seemed to take it really well and has been really supportive and nice to me about it. And then, My Aunt Angel, my dad's adopted sister sends me a message telling me that I'm a ***** and wanting to know why I didn't tell her and whether or not I consider her family. Just generally telling me that I'm childish and need to grow up, yadda yadda. Now I'm afraid that My grandma and everyone else will be mad that I didn't tell them straight away. I'm starting to feel a little guilty about it. Do you think I was right in not telling them, because of the risk of miscarriage? Or is it ok for them to think I'm an *** for not saying anything? I honestly didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, or leave them out of things. I'm not very close with my father's family, my dad's in jail and the only person I ever see regularly on his side is my step mom. I mean, none of my Aunts or Uncles even call on my sister's and my birthday. My stepmom and Grandma invited my fiance and I over for Thanksgiving and now I'm a little apprehensive to go, because I don't want to have any confrontations or general idiocy. But I'm afraid that if I don't go, everyone will think that I don't want to see them. I just don't really know what to do at this point. And also, how am I supposed to respond to someone screaming abortion or adoption in my face? Those are things I haven't considered and don't want to. Everything just seems so hectic, and I really don't need the stress.

Is it normal to have protuberance around the ?

Yes, it's normal to have a "protuberance" or a bit of extra flesh around the . This is basically just a remnant of extra tissue where that area "closed up" during your development as a fetus. Lots of people have it and it can be of varying size and color. However, it should feel soft and shouldn't have any pain. If it's hard or it hurts, you may want to get it checked out, as this could be a sign of an abnormal growth. Otherwise, you're fine.

Would this be tacky.?

Ok does this sound tacky? I am thinking about using round tables and put a vase of red or white roses in the center of the table. The table cloth is white with a smaller burgundy table cloth on top. I also thinking about putting strand lighting around the base of the vase and have sheer silver ribbon going through the lights....the lighs are those that you put on Christmas trees. If you have any other kind of suggestions they are greatly apprciated. It a church wedding in december the colors are burgundy white and silver.

How do I look more like a girl?

is your hair too short for like really short extensions?? idk what to say...oh, wait, lots of eye makeup stuff works and lip gloss and blush will help :) eye shadow. really nothing u can do about the sweatshirt thing tho

Biology---have never understood this stuff! 1. which of the following does NOT take place during the g1 or g2?

It seems that these should be found quite easily in any biology textbook, fairly typical questions. Why not look in your book?

Evolution is true and here is the proof, want to see it?

We are no longer cavemen. We can now bas each other electronically. Even better yahoo found a way to make sure it is not harmless. It is called the "violation". And people can use it freely at will just because they don't like a certain viewpoint. How is this not harmless? Well, yahoo deletes accounts, entire accounts including your e-mails. One Muslim woman lost vitale-mails from her mother. A businessman lost money because people could not contact him and he also had lost their contact information. Certainly harmful. So now insteda of hitting each other with sticks we can ruin business and take letters from home away from nice people. Now that is progress.

How do you tell your dad/step family your gay/bi?

i know my dad be totally ok about it but it will be weird afterwards and my stepmom just basicly thinks its wrong. im out to my mom my sisters and all my friends. i dont live with him and when i do go to see him it will be weird help!! thanks

How much do brine shrimp cost? are they good for fancy guppy fry?

I just hatched out a batch of brine shrimp...a vial of eggs cost me $2.99 and you can hatch them in a bottle...salt cost me $1.99 I have fed them to my fish 3-4 times already and still have thousands of them..lol I am going to try to raise them a little bigger for the fish to ..so I have started feeding them dissolved yeast. They are kinda cool themselves and it is fun watching your fish swim threw a cloud of them and just go crazy snapping them up..not sure how easy it will be to raise them up..but hatching them was very easy then you strain them threw a coffee filter , rinse in fresh water and add to your tank very simple..and it only took 24 hours from start to feeding. Almost forgot to add....I only hatched out less than a 1/4 tsp of eggs..you can hardly see that I took any out of the vial so there are many more hatchings in that vial....you get a lot for your few dollars.

Please NO racist Comment - Can anyone give me any GENUINE reason NOT to vote for Obama in Nov?

No racist comments needed - he is woefully unqualified for the country's top job! He hasn't even managed a McDonald's.

If the true problem at issue here is “legality”….?

Why is it that whole neighborhoods are abandoned by Caucasians when Hispanics move in? Should all Hispanics show their green cards to their new neighbors? Would you whiteys feel better if your brand-new foreign neighbors were from Sweden? Please share your honest views.

How to choose the right size of Cello?

I am going to buy a cello, but the music store is too far from my city. Does anybody know what size cello would be fine for me? I�m 160 cm tall.

'The Catcher in the Rye' - an allegorical tale?

What are you talking about?! 'The Catcher in the Rye' is an amazing book, and yes, it has war references, but it's just a novel about a boy rebelling against "normal" people. I related to the book because I'm also someone who colors outside the lines. It's a book for those of us who don't fit in anywhere.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why are straight people so intolerable of gays?

I live in a really small town in upstate NY. Straight people here suck so much. There are so mean and ignorant . They say they are ok with it but they are not. Even my teachers hate me. I'm ok with being hated on but it is just so so hard. Help me please

I waked into a house of Sin. Help?

And this girl lives where? I'm sure I could help her out a LOT, starting by getting her out of those clothes. You need to reign in your prejudices and leave her alone. Just from what you've said here, the only person who needs help is you. Stop being a judgmental douche bag .

Should I buy this car?

fast and luxurious car...if i had the money to buy that, i would....thats kinda a lot of money for that high of miles...i seen a 03 G35 with 80k miles and it was $10k...look around and you might find a better deal with lower miles...not bad though, good taste you have.

Would you change your mind about the existence of God if.... ?

I would change my mind about the existence of God only if he proved that He existed to Me...and that would not involve testimonies from others that he does exist, I'm saying he would personally have to show me.

Wiccans is it a bad idea to?

Hey guys need some help, as most of you probably know I am a newer Wiccan and need some advice. Well last Tuesday, something tragic happened to me, someone forced entry into my home and tried to attack me. I am physically ok but not emotionally, or psychologically. I have read in several books it is not recommended to do rituals while you are sick. (not sick but huge amounts of stress and anxiety) But I was thinking casting a circle and doing a relaxation ritual may help me. BUt not sure if my intense anxiety could effect it. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.

Is this pill any good?

My doctor put me on the Yasmin contraceptive pill today, and said it would clear up my acne, if there is anyone else who is on this pill, can you please write back to me and tell me if it s any good. Thankyou x x x .

If a kiddie cold isnt as contagious as an adult cold but an adult catches a kiddie cold is it an adult cold?

Medical diagnosis doesn't draw a line between an adult cold and a kiddie cold. A lot of variation depends on the cause of the cold (virus or bacteria or something else) and the health and resistance of the child or adult.

What is this website talking about?

ROFL wow i seriously thought that was suppose to be a movie. Now from what I know in 2012 the north and south poles were switching...magnetically...No one has lived through it yet...its not like the end of all days there is just going to basically be more skin cancer because well be exposed to more solar winds basically. Idk how the 2012 turned into all this **** though

A mediocre poem - as I go to bed - please critique constructively?

The self-pity doesn't suit you, so lift your head and enjoy the praise for your poem. The world, my dear, will always give you more than you ask for...

Did you know I, Carl Caneyhead taught Elvis how to "swivel them hips"?

It's a lttle known fact, but Elvis came to Beaumont Texas in January 1955 at the Sportatorium and I was a hanging around back stage awaitin to perform. Me and my little band, the Caneyhead Cousins with lead singer George Jones was on tour from Shreveport Louisiana to Port Arthur Texas. Elvis was just a startin out and when he seed me perform, me a singing and dancin round a swivelin them hips and the girls was a goin WILD. They was a throwin their nasty drawers up on the stage at me! Anyway when I got off that stage ole Elvis said "hey Carl, I'm a fixin to tour the country and be'in I'm just startin out, how bout lett'n me borrow that swivel hips routine". I said "wy shore Elvis, go ahead on". So, anyways he did and the rest is history. Elvis came back and played some 6 months later at the Beaumont Auditorium and he was a already on his way to becomin the KING! He played "You ain't nothin but a hound dog", which he named after my hound dog, Duke! He was the Greatest!